University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Summer Program & Outdoor Clinic
Shannon C.
University of Florida
Shannon grew up in West Palm Beach, FL. She has one older sister named Morgan and a cat named Gigi. She LOVES cats and traveling. She does not like waking up early and she is afraid of cockroaches!
Abigail B.
Butler University
Abby B. grew up in a small town called Mt. Morris, IL. she is an only child and has a black Lab named Roxie. She loves hiking and gardening. She is afraid of snakes and scary movies.
Abigail W.
University of Tennessee
Abigail grew up in Chattanooga, TN. She has 3 younger siblings, but her parents are foster parents so there are usually a lot of kids at her house. She loves simple days with her family and being awake early in the morning. She does not like staying up late or watching TV.
Hilary B.
University of Memphis
Hilary grew up in Northern Virginia in a suburb of Washington, DC. She has 2 older sisters and a foster dog. She loves Diet Coke, animals, people and board games. She is scared of heights.